penumbren: Hi, all! Hope everyone's doing well. I'm still around, but my forum trips have been less frequent. Given the current round of craziness with people's reactions to the W3 expansions, I suspect I'll continue to be a rare-ish visitor. (Seriously, I fail to understand how "Hey, we're going to release two huge expansions, and
if you want to, you can order it now!" equates to "We're going to nickel-and-dime you to death and laugh all the way to the bank while we plan on DRM!" *facepalm*)
If you want my attention quickly, send me a PM or a message on Steam. I promise I'll answer, even if it takes me a bit sometimes. :)
Hello uhm *hug* or *wave* ;). I don't get it either. If it's true what they're promising it sounds like a classic expansion pack but naming it Expansion pass Isn't probably the best idea. It's sounds a lot like season pass an there have been season passes with bad value lately...
Maxvorstadt: I don`t know Leibach, maybe I should search a few songs on youtube. But J.B.O. was great in the 90s. Especially the album "Explizite Lyrik" is fantastic. Songs like "Mei Alde is im Playboy drin" (Centerfold), "Schlumpfozid im Stadtgebiet" (Schlumpflied) and "Ka Alda, ka G`schrei" (No woman, no cry) are fantastic.
I found JBO on Spotify so i think i'll listen to some of their songs.
Laibach is slovenian (industrial) band who are said to influenced Rammstein (i don't like Rammstein though). They did some hilarious cover versions of some songs and some national anthems.
They turned live is live from Opus into some Wagnerian Experience for example or literally translated a song from Queen into german to uncover its rather ambivalent lyrics...