LaPtiteBete: Hey hello DD !!!
**Big still-morning-for-a-few-minutes hug**
Glad your head is getting better...!
Really nice dress... I also think black is high-class and a bit less "eye-catching", yes... (assuming you don't wan't to draw all the attention !) :-)
*Still morning here for another 35 minutes hug* I definitely do not want to draw all the attention (or any at all, I just want to enjoy the evening with my partner), I will gladly let someone else do that, which I am sure they will. The last time I went to one of these things everyone was dressed so elegantly, with dressed that are very expensive.
I will stick with black, as it looks nice, it can be used for other events, and I already have black stocking etc. to wear underneath, so no need to go out and buy some red ones. :-)
FearfulSymmetry: Hey everyone, how are you all doing today? :)
*hello hug*
I am doing good, thank you. I am glad to hear your neck injuries are recovering. Fingers crossed it won't be too long before you are good as new.
CarrionCrow: Um...none of what I mentioned is withdrawal-related...-laughing hard-
Of course, you want it to match well with hers, get the full coordination effect.
Your doctor
continues to be an idiot. Fingers crossed that your head stops hurting soon.
You never know, that review could have the opposite effect, instead drawing swarms of militant pigeon game defenders who buy more just to spite me. -laughs-
Not withdrawal related? So what is causing it? (sorry if you mentioned earlier, I only briefly skimmed the thread.)
We sometimes wear different colour dresses, just to be a little different. But for posher events we try to look a bit more coordinated. To be honest, I don't mind what I wear, as long as no one makes a scene and I can enjoy the evening with my partner, then I will be happy.
Thank you, my head will be fine, just a little sensitive to the light today.
You might be right about the review. It could also be some reverse psychology. People would buy the game to see for themselves how bad it is. :-)