CarrionCrow: I'm not a huge anime fan, but the concept of the effeminate pretty boy's been around for a while, I think.
No clue why, though. I prefer watching shows where things are at least somewhat realistic in regards to appearance.
ddickinson: You are probably right. I have not really followed Anime for some time, most of the ones I have seen were at least 15 years ago. They were not perfect back then, but at least they were generally better than the strange style they have today (over-sexualised underage girls and effeminate pretty boys).
The market seems to be flooded with a lot of items that cater to such things.
It's like Netflix right now. They hardly ever get new anime, but the last time they updated, they got a show where high school girls beat on each other until their clothes are torn off, and a show where the females look slightly older, but instead of fistfights, it's supposed to be characters getting maimed violently in between the fan service.
Needless to say, there's two things I won't be spending my time watching.
What really sucks about it is that there's some really good anime.
It just gets dragged down by all the creepy shit that potential viewers associate it with.
If you ever are in the mood to watch more anime? I'd recommend Black Lagoon.
No creepy girls, no pretty boys, just a really good show.