Posted March 22, 2015

Good to know, thank you. There's an air compressor here, but it's pretty large. Would have to be extremely careful to keep from breaking something using it.
But, since you've very kindly mentioned both the item and the place to get it, I can skip both the vacuum static discharge nightmare and the air compressor breakage issue. =)

I tried using those mini vacuums too a long time ago, they’re terrible and take too long. Then again, I used to have to service dozens to hundreds of network nodes. heh!
I use a kabob stick, and a toothbrush, with a powerful vacuum cleaner and can finish up in about ten minutes, making sure not turn on the PC that day before starting, though I still have to be careful about static. Luckily I have an EVGA card (GeForce GTX 450), they can take a lot of abuse. :)
The PC, an ASUS duel core 2.6ghz Pentium is six years old, the video card five years. If I take care of it, I can probably squeeze a few more years out of this system.
Post edited March 22, 2015 by GhostwriterDoF