EndreWhiteMane: Best of luck to both of them, hope they get better very soon! Being in the hospital sucks, having to worry about those who are there is even worse. :/
Thank you, hopefully a few days under observations and getting some rest will do them some good and they will be home sooner rather then later. My mother is often in and out of hospital, but this doesn't make it any easier, I still worry.
LaPtiteBete: Sh*t, DD :( I hope your parents will recover and can get back home soon... what about you, you hang in there ?... I hope you're not alone to handle this situation... :(
I'm okay, thank you. Sadly I'm used to my family having heath problems, especially my mother. I'm not alone though, thankfully I have a wonderful partner who is my guardian angel and has been there for me through so much. I also have my brothers, but they find it difficult to cope with some things and get too emotional. I'm just exhausted from all the worrying and having to work even harder on the farm to make up for my parents not being there, which also make the place kind of lonely.