Posted March 06, 2015

I completely screwed up on Hitman 2, to be sure. Was watching everything crawl along and crashed out at my desk.
When I woke up, its 50 copies were gone. Will make up for that one when I can.
Got to see Hitman 3 with its 450 copies, though. -shakes head-
But, since Moonshine is awesome, the problem's been solved anyway. =)
Also, if you all would be so kind as to pass some +1's Endre's way. I woke up to not one but two games from the weekend sale from him.
And while we're at it, if you could also do the same for Stilton, that would also be appreciated. He got me a game that wasn't even a part of Insomnia, just because.
Thank you, not just because I really like getting more games, but because you're good people in general regardless of the gift stuff. =)
I'm completely amazed by Moonshine coming through like that. We have some truly amazing people here.

Back from work now. I see the luck and awesome gifting continues here :)
It looks like there will be two fresh games at a time after the seasoned ones go so that should speed everything up. It's been a nice little sale, I've got some good games and had a lot of fun waiting to see what would turn up next.. someday Divinity: Original Sin, someday!
Not only is there the fun of the sale, there's the calibre of some of the people here, too. (if that sounds cryptic, check back a couple of pages...)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Stilton