Posted March 06, 2015

Thanks for sharing these pictures. Those are some adorable owlets!
(and thanks for your lovely comment...)
** Thankful hug !!**
I guess they look mostly like their dads... :-^

Amazing how such young boys can grow moustaches in France! For a moment I thought he was Hercule Poirot (he's Belgian, I know, but the moustache is similar)
That is the most dangerous-looking pirate I have ever seen - terrifying!!!! ;-)
And is that Strawberry refreshing herself before she starts singing again??? I bet she has a beautiful voice ;-)
I'm sure they keep you busy, but nice-busy ;-)
Yes, the mustache... (is there a "o" in english ? moustache ?... ô__ô ... they lied to me !!!). I guess they put too many hormons in our food.
Yes, very dangerous. You have no idea. She freaks me out sometimes...
Hum... she has a... pretty powerful voice !!! :-D
And yes... they keep me nice-busy, owlways... u__u
Post edited March 06, 2015 by LaPtiteBete