innocuous77: I could use a hug...
I spent the better part of the night with a student who wanted to kill herself.
If I have to say one more time - NO I'm not her psychologist, NO, I'm not her relative, YES, I'm the person she called in the middle of the night...
And yes, the fucking police questioned me for 5 hours... just to make sure I didn't encourage her...
I'm sorry... I hate people right now. I need to play a game. Suggestions?
Vnlr: Don't tell me about the weather...if you look at Belgium, it lies about as far north as the bottom of Canada.
We've had snow perhaps twice this winter? and it was only a thin layer of wet stuff that was gone by the evening. The rest of the time it was just autumn like temperatures.
excuse me, I need to go spoil the cat ;)
innocuous77: Hee - I'm in the middle of nowhere, and I can't get my car out of the driveway. 4 feet of plow ice fun.
And my 4 cats are looking at you side-eyed:)
And that is why I stopped getting involved in shit like that.
A few dozen people saying they wanted to die later, and I either wanted to kill myself to get away from them, or kill them to shut them up.
So much easier once I finally stopped trying to be people's amateur therapist.
Every goddamn time, it was all about "What is there to live for? What's the point?" and the answer to that is, "Your guess is as good as mine. I can't fucking save you, and odds are you don't want to die so much as you want someone to give a shit in a world where most people don't.
Otherwise, you'd be bleeding out somewhere by now and we could only have this conversation via Ouija board.
As for the point to it all? Why do you suffer? Shit, why does anyone? There isn't any point to this, we all just get to deal with it and try to not go completely insane in the process. Might not be the answer you want, but there you go."