CarrionCrow: It's going to make what was already becoming a bit of a slog even more so.
Kinda feels like all the games I'm playing at the moment are like that, though. They're all right. Not great, not awful, just middle of the road and lots of it.
moonshineshadow: Yeah I can understand that. Sometimes it happens that all the games you are currently playing are just mediocre up until the moment where you reaach a point where you really need a good game again to keep the motivation high to play even the mediocre games. At least that is how it normally is for me. If I can't find a game I am really enthusiastic about at that moment I normally take a break from playing games.
And no I have not yet decided about Cultures. On one hand they look nice, but I do not really need them right now :D
That's it exactly. =)
Between the mediocre, the bad, the really bad, the really, really please shoot me bad, and the stifling the urge to scream because I keep dying, I could
really go for something that's actually good.
Also, that's funny. Pretty sure that people like ourselves with a few hundred games passed the need stage quite a while back. ;)