Posted February 26, 2015
LaPtiteBete: What kind of tea would you like, DD ?...
What ??? ):-| holy cow... another German invasion ?! (lol)
(Have we got German peeps here on this thread, by the way ... ?)
ddickinson: I don't mind what kind of tea, just as long as it's warm. (I'm freezing in this wind :-)). What ??? ):-| holy cow... another German invasion ?! (lol)
(Have we got German peeps here on this thread, by the way ... ?)
Mond ist aus Deutschland. (that should translate to Moon is from Germany, but probably not, Google translator is not always that accurate.). :-)
I think we have a lovely mixture of people from all over the work on this thread. Mostly from Europe and America, but also some from Australia and beyond.
moonshineshadow: Yep I still love to have these disks. My backlog is like this: 50% on gog, 45% on disks and 5% steam and bundle games :D And while the price of course is some reason for buying games I am not a fan of the steam client since it had already blocked me from playing my games when I had trouble with my internet connection, so I only buy a game which uses steam if I have no other choice and since my backlog is big that is even less reason to buy there. I think the only games added to my steam in the last year were Lego Lord of the Rings and Lego Hobbit :D
ddickinson: I can understand the appeal of Steam, especially with the cheap bundles. There are several games that I would love to play, but sadly they are DRM only. So I make do with the games I already have, which is good enough for me. Have a grand total of 2 items on my rental wishlist, and they're both nostalgia based.
Can't help it, though. Always did enjoy Max Payne.