CarrionCrow: Damn it...there are a few items from my list on sale, but two of them are items I'm not exactly calling high priority, and the other three are middle of the road at best.
And since my list is as long as my arm, even 60 percent off still feels like I'm paying more than I should.
ddickinson: Maybe you should save the games ready for the next big sale (Summer sale, Insomnia), you could probably get a bigger discounts. If they are not games high on your list, why waste more money than you have to. The money you save could buy more horrible games to torture yourself with. :-)
-laughs- I'm not seeking out bad games. I just have my list, and I want it cleared.
But at the same time, I don't want to blow money that I might end up wanting to have available for Pillars of Eternity.
Not that I'm exactly thrilled about dropping 45 dollars on a single game by any means, but I need to support someone who makes good RPG's.
Already have a plan for the next big sale. Figuring that will be Summer, and by that point I'll have enough coin saved to wipe 70 items off my list, even if they drop no further than the straight 50 percent off.