CarrionCrow: I have to take a moment and admit something here...
I watched a Michael Bay movie yesterday and it was actually really good.
AgentBirdnest: Nothing wrong with that. Personally, I don't understand all the hate for him. I think it is just trendy to hate him.
I didn't enjoy Pearl Harbor or Transformers, but The Rock and Armageddon are some of my favorite movies.
Say what you will about his movies, but there is no denying that he is an incredibly passionate and dedicated director. He doesn't do things half-assed. I appreciate that about him.
ddickinson: That's great news. Hmmm, did Owl leave any ribs for me to crack? *rib cracking hug* :-)
AgentBirdnest: Dammit! They didn't prepare me for this kind of torture!! **Extremely weak hug**
LaPtiteBete: Hummmm... Indeed. :-| You need a little more training... Luckilly you have found us !! :-D and our crazy huggerss team !!
** Slightly bigger hug ** AgentBirdnest: Indeed... This is the perfect training center for me.
** Super big hug ** LaPtiteBete: Fine... :-) will you let us know when you get your results ?...
AgentBirdnest: If you ask nicely, maybe ;-)
Seriously... There are so many people here worrying about me and wishing me luck... You are all great friends. Of course I'll let you guys know.
I will freely admit that I wasn't exactly packing high hopes for the movie.
I finally watched it because a reviewer I like spoke highly of it, even after eviscerating the Transformer movies.
moonshineshadow: *careful hugs for everyone* seems like a lot of regulars are here this night
Good evening. =)