EndreWhiteMane: i own it <hangs head>
What!? Okay, how did you get it? Did you get gifted it? Did you get tricked into it (like I did with the mutator promo, thankfully I gifted it to myself, so I don't have to suffer with it on my shelf)? Or did you actually pay money for it?
budejovice: I had considered that and/or Wine as a possible solution, but I am going to just build something fancy pretty soon so I can go overboard with a graphics card. Unfortunately I'm a bit lazy, and that Windows-only GOG catalog is really a sight to see (especially as I'm a huge sim fan). Walking to the basement at work to grab the win7 laptop was even easier than learning a method to play on Mac. :)
I used to have a proper gaming pc, but sadly she died. I tend to play many of the games on the Windows partition, even if there is a Mac version, as often the Mac version is not as good (poorly ported, requires more resources, less attention to bug fixes etc.).
AgentBirdnest: Do you mean Dejarik, or just normal chess with Star Wars-themed pieces? (I am such a nerd :P)
Just never ask me to play 4-way chess. That experience was a brutal mindf***.
Erm... I had do Google it, but I did indeed mean Dejarik (what's wrong with just calling it Star Wars chess? What is it with these Star Wars nerds? ;-)). I have never tried 4-way chess, it's been a long time since I played some regular chess, so not sure how good I would be at 4-way chess.