EndreWhiteMane: Sounds fun, thanks. :-)
No problem, hope you enjoy it. :)
superstande: Argh...
*conflicted feelings about the sequel* :)
Sounds like they wanted to streamline stuff and failed a bit there.
Thanks for the good details, I'll be critical about that game, then.
Been thinking that Obsidian rpgs might be the safest way to go, with Pillars bought and never tried, and Tyranny coming hopefully in a month or so... Also read that Obsidian's involvement with Paradox has been a good one, in general.
I have very conflicted feelings about Bioware in general. I don't like the direction they've been headed in lately, and they've done some pretty annoying things. But on the other hand, no other developer quite caters to my gaming likes the way Bioware does. I really really love the atmosphere of their games and the characters ... but I'm really not pleased with some of the other aspects. :P But yeah, I'm enough of a sucker to keep buying their stuff day one anyway, because their games just have that special something I adore.
I really liked Pillars. I feel like Obsidian have been doing a really good job lately, and I'll definitely grab Tyranny at some point. Depending on its price I might pick it up as soon as it comes out.