ElTerprise: Totally agree with you about the damage done by our politicians - not only "Mutti" but also the wheeled one....
Under the current circumstances i'm against a deeper unification but as a general idea - a true democratic unified Europe (whether as a Federation or a Confederation) is worth striving for - but that won't be possible in the current state of affairs in the European Union. Such an integration is a slow process which should with a unified economic area and in a second step with harmonising taxes and lawas. For example the Euro was implemented way too early. It was obvious that it would only be beneficial for the strong economies within the Eurozone....and especially for Germany....
Call me idealistic but i still want a democratic unified Europe - but that seems unlikely in a time most democracies don't deserve its name anymore....
Edit: And the European Union was never democratic to begin with....the parliament doesn't have much power and the true power is not even legitimised....
I still am not too keen on such unification. Europe is not America, we are not states of the same nation, we are all separate nations with our own histories. I don't want to be the United States of Europe. I also don't think this system of us having to give so much to the EU and getting so little in return is beneficial. It might be to the poorer nations, but not to others. When the UK joined the EU there were about 9 members, now there are about 28. The EU stopped being a good thing a long time ago. Now it is pretty much just rich and corrupt people dong what they can to be richer, regardless of the people or the stability of the EU. I have still not forgotten when Germany and the EU talked about doing away with national flags and anthems in the EU. Why would a unified EU require the removal of our national identities? The EU should stick to trade, not law, as many of the laws passed by the EU are terrible, made to cover everyone, but the fact is everyone is not the same. Some of us have laws in place that are better, and we have had them for a lot longer than the EU has been around. The EU can't keep treating everyone the same in such ways. Laws that might work for some members won't work for others, and until the EU realises that some considerations need to be considered, it will just get worse.
I know that Germany and her friends benefit from the EU, but England maybe not as much. In fact many agree we are much worse off in the EU, hence why we want to leave. It seems our wanting to be our own people and have sovereignty over ourselves has cost us the pleasure of being with the EU "in" crowd with Germany. We are one of the largest contributors, yet realistically we get no real input. Germany has too tight a grip of everyone, the other nations fear crossing Germany in case Germany punished them. So they follow blindly, whether it is good or not. Like with the election of the EU president, despite that there is a growing anti-EU sentiment in the EU and more and more right winged parties gaining power. What is strange is that even the German people suffer. You would think Germany would at least look after their own with all their unbalanced power. Germany only just started having a minimum wages, and I believe same sex marriage is still not allowed in Germany?
I don't think your united Europe would work. The nations are just too different in many ways, financially, politically, etc. The EU would probably be best served as a more light handed organisation, one that oversees free trade and key legal issues, not the power they have at the moment, power that can easily be corrupted. At least if the power was light and limited no one could do what Germany has to the EU. And I don't mean to pick on Germany, I am not saying other nations would not get corrupted given the power (humans by their very nature are often greedy and corrupt), but at the moment it seems the actions of Germany (again, her politicians, not her people) for a long time now have been geared at protecting herself at the expense of other members, and at making the rich even more rich. Because welcome to the world of capitalism, where no amount of wealth is ever enough for some people.
Anyway, sorry, I did not mean to get the thread all political.
Oh, and since you asked: You are idealistic. :-)