akhliber: Thanks! It's been quite a nice day so far. It's not as hot as it's been past several days either, so I think Sarge and I will go for a walk in a bit. :) Today just has a good feeling to it, for whatever the reason.
It's always good to have that feeling. Next thing will be, who's got more energy - you or the puppy? ;) -laughs-
AgentBirdnest: n__o DD could help you out, in that case ;-p
Regarding Dex... I wonder how it happens, that GOG rejects it (twice!) when it seems really loved and popular. Meanwhile, Omnibus is here on launch day :-|
Also, have you played it?
I think they kept bouncing it because it had problems. The developer got them all fixed, so they accepted it.
Still, the developer could've said to hell with GOG and stuck with the other venues.
I played it for a while, then got distracted. As RPG's go, it's all right from what I did play. Not the best ever, but not awful either.