Posted February 15, 2015
CarrionCrow: Maybe by the time I hit 4 stars, I can be a member of the "my wishlist isn't large enough to choke an elephant" club. =)
Being a weatherman must be great. So long as you aren't the poor schmuck who gets to stand in the hurricane to do the broadcast, it's coffee, staring at radar displays and guessing.
I've never looked at it like that! You're right, its one job where no one ever expects you to get it right!hummer010: The weather man kind of missed three mark today. Forecast called for 5cm of snow today - we got 50cm (~18").
CarrionCrow: Sounds like they goofed and left out a fairly important zero... Being a weatherman must be great. So long as you aren't the poor schmuck who gets to stand in the hurricane to do the broadcast, it's coffee, staring at radar displays and guessing.