011284mm: Playfire Most Played: Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar)
- What, have people been doing nothing but playing six copies of GTA:V 24/7 ? DOTA has got to have more play hours this year per-person then GTA:V, especially on PC where I understand Playfire supposedly gets its metrics.
Considering the alternative, its great that GTA V got a winner spot. What, Dwota?
Innovation of the Year: First-person mode in Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar)
- That was not an innovation. It might have been back in the 80-90's but now we have hundreds of thousands of first person games. Most do it better then GTA:V
Yeah, seriously, this is no innovation at all. But if this was an innovation, what will be called an innovation next time? Also, since the Golden Joystick puts for you the candidates and you vote on them, it means that this first person thingy was viewed as an innovation. I mean what the hell?
Best Handheld/Mobile Game: Fallout Shelter (Bethesda)
- Really not going to argue, but this beat Candy Crush. Really?
I'm going to argue. A terrible bethesda game won. What do I smell?
Most Wanted: Fallout 4 (Bethesda)
- I get it, but I feel a little upset it was this and not Hitman 6. I really am looking forward to never getting to play Hitman 6.
Have no comments, but surely Hitman 6 would've been a better choice.
Gaming Personality of the Year: PewDiePie
- Dear god, WHY? That shrinking BLEEP.
No, just no.
Best eSports icon: CounterStrike GO - Anders Blume
- WTF? I have absolutly no idea about this. How did no-one from the StarCraft competitive arena not end up getting this. I mean there are hundreds of them being watched all the time. I have never even heard of CS:GO, I know there is a Hitman GO though.
First there is no such thing as eSports, second CounterStrike GO is just a vanilla shooter. Battlefield is surprisingly more fun than it.
Gaming Platform of the Year: Steam
- Ha, rigged. There was PS4, XBone Nintendo WiiU, Nintendo 3DS* and Steam, but no PC.
* Should have also had 2DS to really make sure that Nintendo got trounced.
Oh-hoh! So now instead of mentioning the PC's glory, it is now mentioning Gabe Newell's fake glory! Soon enough, all our PCs will be called Steams by average joes. I refuse to believe that steam can be plural!
Best PC Game: Grand Theft Auto V (Rockstar)
- Nope, here should live the Witcher 3. I bet this was mostly clicked by PS4/XBone users as they had no other choice in what they knew. No CoD to vote for.
Last time I used GJ, they had a skip voting option. That and the PlayStation and Xbox guys didn't chooser CoD either.
Ultimate Game of the Year: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (CD Projekt RED)
- No offence CDPR - I even bought the game - but no. Ultimate game of 2015 has got to be Candy Crush on every other phone around the world. It out numbers you on downloads, play time and probably financial gain too.
It is still shit, but you have to admit it has a bigger audience, and billions of players. So really you lost this one.
Must admit you're right on Candy Crush... *sniff*