zeogold: Lord a'mighty. You people are hopeless. I leave for about an hour and it all goes to crap. Forget it, I'm locking this thread.
Dtgreene, you need to learn that other people have opinions that differ from your own, and just because they differ doesn't mean they're wrong. The minute you finally realize this is when you start to overcome your insane egotism.
Telika, you have good points, but you need to understand that the most vocal or the most focused-on portion of a group isn't necessarily the majority unless you can prove otherwise. Fall in this fallacy and you're no better than the stereotypers you claim to hate.
Habanerose, insulting others does not consist of an argument.
Snowkatt, feeding someone you consider a troll solves nothing but to give that troll more material to work with and serves to exacerbate the situation.
RWarehall, you also have good points, but you need to tone it down a bit and express your arguments a bit less angrily. The calmer you can explain something, the more you begin to strengthen your own argument by replacing anger with reason.
zeo, I gotta hand it to you for having the patience of a saint, but I kinda felt this would probably end up just like the last time, to be brutally frank. Thanks for trying though.