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zeogold: Waltz all over us? Dtgreene will believe she's right no matter what anybody tells her and is a hopeless cause. Barely anybody listens to her opinions or takes her seriously (or at least, a very, very slim minority do), but at least she's calm with them whereas you only sling insults.
TARFU: I'd say her (it, his, etc) only ally is starmaker, which may or may not be an alt account for dtgreene anyway. Hard to believe there are TWO people in this world like that.
Starmaker is like the angry dtgreene. What dtgreene would be if she weren't autistic and downed about three cups of espresso flavored with bile.
high rated
RWarehall: And I thought people vote for Trump or Hillary or another candidate because they thought that particular individual would make the best president and help move the country in a better direction. Or at least was the least bad of a bunch of bad choices.

Apparently, voting the "wrong way" to the left is the same as being "racist".
dtgreene: Voting for Trump is racist because Trump is racist. Or, at least, it is a statement that racism is not a dealbreaker, which I would argue is still racist.

(Also, do we *really* want a sexual predator leading the country?)
Depends. Are you comfortable with someone who allowed four soldiers to be set on fire, raped and killed being president? How about someone married to an alleged rapist? Or someone allowed actual rapists to walk?

See, this is the problem with you. You take MSM bullshit as fact, then run around spreading it as such. It's not hard taking massive logical leaps and clubbing you like a baby seal with your own logic.

How about you stop insulting people who haven't insulted you? How about you stop trying to play martyr every time you get blown out in one of these threads, because you've baited someone into being actually nasty to you? You make it hard for anyone to actually like you without worrying about if you're going to club them over the head with your opinions that you masquerade as fact, or having to deal with your tone policing bullshit. I try to give everyone an equal opportunity to be heard and express themselves, but you've turned into a broken record attached to a mindless puppet spouting whatever bullshit huffpo is on about this week.

Try being a fuckin' human for a change.
zeogold: Yes, but we all know you're crazy, though.
Regals: You both are have textbook case of narcissism

omega64: Doesn't seem like the right video for your reply?
Regals: Considering you some how think what you say is of importance over others such as myself..
It is perfect video.
The average fart is of more importance than what you say. :D
zeogold: Lord a'mighty. You people are hopeless. I leave for about an hour and it all goes to crap. Forget it, I'm locking this thread.

Dtgreene, you need to learn that other people have opinions that differ from your own, and just because they differ doesn't mean they're wrong. The minute you finally realize this is when you start to overcome your insane egotism.

Telika, you have good points, but you need to understand that the most vocal or the most focused-on portion of a group isn't necessarily the majority unless you can prove otherwise. Fall in this fallacy and you're no better than the stereotypers you claim to hate.

Habanerose, insulting others does not consist of an argument.

Snowkatt, feeding someone you consider a troll solves nothing but to give that troll more material to work with and serves to exacerbate the situation.

RWarehall, you also have good points, but you need to tone it down a bit and express your arguments a bit less angrily. The calmer you can explain something, the more you begin to strengthen your own argument by replacing anger with reason.
zeo, I gotta hand it to you for having the patience of a saint, but I kinda felt this would probably end up just like the last time, to be brutally frank. Thanks for trying though.
dtgreene: Voting for Trump is racist because Trump is racist. Or, at least, it is a statement that racism is not a dealbreaker, which I would argue is still racist.

(Also, do we *really* want a sexual predator leading the country?)
LiquidOxygen80: See, this is the problem with you. You take MSM bullshit as fact, then run around spreading it as such. It's not hard taking massive logical leaps and clubbing you like a baby seal with your own logic.
Wu-Tang clan ain't nuthin' to fuck with, apparently.
zeogold: Starmaker
Don't mention that name, you will only end calling the horrible abomination towards our direction. :P
zeogold: Starmaker
Habanerose: Don't mention that name, you will only end calling the horrible abomination towards our direction. :P
Quickly! tinyE has appeared! Rub the ball to grant a wish which will save us!
Habanerose: Don't mention that name, you will only end calling the horrible abomination towards our direction. :P
zeogold: Quickly! tinyE has appeared! Rub the ball to grant a wish which will save us!
I just came in to make fun of Regals for a second. He left himself open and I couldn't pass it up. I shan't be staying in here, though I'm having fun in the "tea thread" if anyone needs me.
zeogold: Quickly! tinyE has appeared! Rub the ball to grant a wish which will save us!
NO, you need all seven dragonballs for a wi... wait that's not a dragonball.

I think you might wanna return this, QUICKLY!!!

Edit: Too Late.
Post edited November 20, 2016 by Habanerose
LiquidOxygen80: zeo, I gotta hand it to you for having the patience of a saint, but I kinda felt this would probably end up just like the last time, to be brutally frank. Thanks for trying though.
So did I, but I figured it was worth a shot.
Apparently, I was wrong. Oh, well. At least I won't leave the forum over it, I can say that much.
I've got a suggestion. Let's stop using the word community. The only people who use the word are fifth column Marxists and theater majors.
LiquidOxygen80: zeo, I gotta hand it to you for having the patience of a saint, but I kinda felt this would probably end up just like the last time, to be brutally frank. Thanks for trying though.
zeogold: So did I, but I figured it was worth a shot.
Apparently, I was wrong. Oh, well. At least I won't leave the forum over it, I can say that much.
Kinda was doomed from the get-go, but at least you tried your best.

Well, some of the suggestions were at least worthwhile (minus those largely influenced by political biases and personal grieves / grudges), maybe compile them from both threads and send them to fables22 directly...

Whether it will really change anything though, I'll only believe it when I see it.
low rated
RWarehall: Post 60: Dishonest claim saying I completely agree with you and how all I want is "the alt right to be as respected as any other discourse or ideology." [What honest discourse Talika!]
You were complaining about my contempt for the "alt right" (post 51). Yes, I have contempt. It deserves it. Trump and his fans do too. Xenophobes and racists do too. Reproaching me this, in my eyes, means demanding me to respect them as I would for any sort of other position that I don't share. I will not, by a long shot.

But I'm happy if it makes you happy.

RWarehall: Keep justifying your name-calling when its clear you quit because you were losing your bad argument...
If you re-read, it was exactly when you had started to lie.

RWarehall: You've spent the entire thread arguing why all the alt-righties and Trump supporters need to be moderated out of the forum. All the while throwing out slur after slur against them on the grounds that you are morally superior and thus "they" deserve to be slurred and thus censored.
At least you got this right.
Post edited November 20, 2016 by Telika
Emob78: I've got a suggestion. Let's stop using the word community. The only people who use the word are fifth column Marxists and theater majors.
Not necessarily. This is one of my favorites in life, for example:
Emob78: I've got a suggestion. Let's stop using the word community. The only people who use the word are fifth column Marxists and theater majors.
TARFU: Not necessarily. This is one of my favorites in life, for example:
Now you've done it. He'll kill us all! Run!