gamesfreak64: sorry to 'necro' this topic but i tried everything and nothing works in my case ..........
some guys gave info to patch the .exe files, use a custom registry setting , everything possible, i tried it, nothing works the problem is in my case only CPU
thats all the 'graphics' 'problem
' can be fixed the main problem in my case is the GAMMD.exe this file needs to be optimised, it is this file that scrws my CPU :D so if i can have it fixed i can run YR on my w7 64 bits :D
check: yr25%gamemd.jpg
currently at 60 degrees ( celcius) but it will rise to 70 and above , cant risk that ofcourse :D
so forget all the soalled patches that work cause they dont work in my case , tried them all, nothing works
it's the GAMEMD.exe that is going beserk on the CPU, if i can fix that i can the game :D
Anyway no one seems to know about it cause no one mentions the GAMEMD.exe using 25% all the time, 90% of all 'fixes' were only tested on 8 and 10, well i dont have 8 nor 10 so those tips are worthless too me, i need the GAMEMD.exe fixed, problem is the file is probably compressed too much code to try to bytpatch it ...