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A nice video, by Jim Vessella(producer on the remaster project) about the steps he took to find an absolute treasure trove of C&C assets, including hopefully the original FMVs for the games: youtube clip. At the end you can check out a remastered video clip, as it will appear in the final version.

SPOILERS/TL;DR: Unfortunately, there are no higher quality versions of the FMVs, so they ended up using an AI algorithm to upscale the old DOS/PlayStation FMV videos. :(
Post edited March 08, 2020 by MadalinStroe
low rated
nightcraw1er.488: It’s not about what you can see, more about the other bits you can’t. For instance real money is needed to buy Tiberium. Factories only produce boxes, you then have to pay to see what was built. Kane has been replaced by Ronaldo etc.
I wouldnt be supprised a bit if this was the case.
They couldnt make one for a decade and now that remakes are popular oh lets bank in with minimal effort.
low rated
MadalinStroe: A nice video, by Jim Vessella(producer on the remaster project) about the steps he took to find an absolute treasure trove of C&C assets, including hopefully the original FMVs for the games: youtube clip. At the end you can check out a remastered video clip, as it will appear in the final version.

SPOILERS/TL;DR: Unfortunately, there are no higher quality versions of the FMVs, so they ended up using an AI algorithm to upscale the old DOS/PlayStation FMV videos. :(
looks like tinder pictures , i guess this is the max what is possible with the inputs limitations
low rated
MadalinStroe: SPOILERS/TL;DR: Unfortunately, there are no higher quality versions of the FMVs, so they ended up using an AI algorithm to upscale the old DOS/PlayStation FMV videos. :(
No problem, the game will still be great.
DadJoke007: He's certainly setting himself up for disappointment since it has to compete with:
- Warcraft III, that was and is much bigger than any C&C-game ever was, is getting a remaster.
- The original Starcraft had a remaster that doesn't do that well outside of Korea, but still bigger than any C&C.
- And not to forget Starcraft II, the big Goliath of the already small competitive RTS-scene.

But sure, the low-effort cash grab by EA will redeem the company and bring C&C back to a vital state against titles it never had any chance against even during peak popularity. Not to forget that the franchises it has to compete with have strong brand recognition that has been hammered into the public conscience for the past 10 years while C&C has been dead for the past 10 years.

The naiveté of that statement triggered me immensely. I apologize beforehand if all the text is one big mess due to my fever.
Lord_Kane: You think that is triggering? He tried to argue that I was blaming the EA development staff for the corporate decisions. (Which I wasn't) He also tried to suggest that "there are people who actually care about games at EA" (which wasnt my point, I was talking about how EA as a corporate entity views games and how it views customers.)

He then made two statements that made me want to strangle him:
1. "You have become jaded and bitter about EA, open up! they are TRYING to be different! this is proof of it Jim Vasella CARES ABOUT C&C :) "

2. "You also just don't understand the games industry like I do."

I should add that this friend works at a major UK studio and since then he has become a corporate kiss ass, when this remaster was announced he started WHORING C&C Rivals on twitter to the point where I had to block him for 3 months.
You should probably let that friend go.
Lord_Kane: You think that is triggering? He tried to argue that I was blaming the EA development staff for the corporate decisions. (Which I wasn't) He also tried to suggest that "there are people who actually care about games at EA" (which wasnt my point, I was talking about how EA as a corporate entity views games and how it views customers.)

He then made two statements that made me want to strangle him:
1. "You have become jaded and bitter about EA, open up! they are TRYING to be different! this is proof of it Jim Vasella CARES ABOUT C&C :) "

2. "You also just don't understand the games industry like I do."

I should add that this friend works at a major UK studio and since then he has become a corporate kiss ass, when this remaster was announced he started WHORING C&C Rivals on twitter to the point where I had to block him for 3 months.
Flesh420.613: You should probably let that friend go.
We have since patched things up, he has recently had a change of heart about the situation and in general agrees with me.
Everything I have seen and heard suggests these remasters should be great.
Hopefully they look at the disaster that is the Warcraft III remaster and don't make the same mistakes Blizzard did.
low rated
Eyeroll... NEXT!
I would love to play C&C again. Original version even with unofficial patch has some issue with screen scrolling speed. I just hope they'll update enemy AI a bit and fix the "wall strategy" approach.
Post edited March 09, 2020 by Cadaver747
Cadaver747: I would love to play C&C again. Original version even with unofficial patch has some issue with screen scrolling speed. I just hope they'll update enemy AI a bit and fix the "wall strategy" approach.
Unless I misunderstood, you'll be able to play the game with the original assets or the remastered ones. Best of both worlds. When it comes ot the AI, that might be beyond the scope of the project.

Honestly, I don't remember being bothered by the AI, but then again, I played most of the C&C series exclusively for the campaigns. I think I played some skirmish matches in Red Alert 1, and realized the mode is not for me.
Post edited March 09, 2020 by MadalinStroe
Same as with pretty much every other remaster/re-release; not going to pay again for a game I already own.

While I am a big fan of C&C, I see absolutely no point in it. Especially when with a bit of effort, you can make any old C&C game work perfectly fine on Win 10. Every game from The First Decade plays without issues on my PC.

But I can see how this would be good for people who never owned the game before.
idbeholdME: Same as with pretty much every other remaster/re-release; not going to pay again for a game I already own.

While I am a big fan of C&C, I see absolutely no point in it. Especially when with a bit of effort, you can make any old C&C game work perfectly fine on Win 10. Every game from The First Decade plays without issues on my PC.

But I can see how this would be good for people who never owned the game before.
I don't know about that. As you can see in the last video, at least for Red Alert, they added the FMVs and additional missions from the playstation version. The new content should be at the same standard as the original. That alone would be enough for me, but then there's remastered soundtrack, which is god tier!
Post edited March 09, 2020 by MadalinStroe
low rated
idbeholdME: Same as with pretty much every other remaster/re-release; not going to pay again for a game I already own.

While I am a big fan of C&C, I see absolutely no point in it. Especially when with a bit of effort, you can make any old C&C game work perfectly fine on Win 10. Every game from The First Decade plays without issues on my PC.

But I can see how this would be good for people who never owned the game before.
the tiberian sun is free
i dont get why would anyone want these remastered games
Post edited March 09, 2020 by Orkhepaj
MadalinStroe: I don't know about that. As you can see in the last video, at least for Red Alert, they added the FMVs and additional missions from the playstation version. The new content should be at the same standard as the original. That alone would be enough for me, but then there's remastered soundtrack, which is god tier!
The behind the scenes content looks interesting but I can always watch that on Youtube after it releases.

I never played the expansion packs before Firestorm for Tiberian Sun because they have no overlapping story. It is just random disconnected missions with no relevance to the main game whatsoever and I had no desire to play them. So I never played Covert Ops, Counterstrike or Aftermath.

The remastered FMVs look like vaseline paintings. Not sure if that is much of an upgrade to be honest.

The remastered soundtrack seems good and the fact that they give you an option of whether you want to listen to the new or the old is a huge plus.

They obviously put a lot of work into it unlike some cheap cashgrab remasters out there but for me, it is the same case as Age of Empires 2 for example. I own the original and don't intend on buying HD or Definitive any time soon.

Orkhepaj: the tiberian sun is free
i dont get why would anyone want these remastered games
Didn't know that.

But the remaster might at least get some new people to try out C&C, which is always a good thing.
Post edited March 09, 2020 by idbeholdME
idbeholdME: Same as with pretty much every other remaster/re-release; not going to pay again for a game I already own.

While I am a big fan of C&C, I see absolutely no point in it. Especially when with a bit of effort, you can make any old C&C game work perfectly fine on Win 10. Every game from The First Decade plays without issues on my PC.

But I can see how this would be good for people who never owned the game before.
Orkhepaj: the tiberian sun is free
i dont get why would anyone want these remastered games
because the free copies run like crap and have done since windows 7.
Cadaver747: I would love to play C&C again. Original version even with unofficial patch has some issue with screen scrolling speed. I just hope they'll update enemy AI a bit and fix the "wall strategy" approach.
Why would you fix the wall strategy? You don't have to use it but it's still there for those that would like to.
Post edited March 09, 2020 by darthspudius