DadJoke007: He's certainly setting himself up for disappointment since it has to compete with:
- Warcraft III, that was and is much bigger than any C&C-game ever was, is getting a remaster.
- The original Starcraft had a remaster that doesn't do that well outside of Korea, but still bigger than any C&C.
- And not to forget Starcraft II, the big Goliath of the already small competitive RTS-scene.
But sure, the low-effort cash grab by EA will redeem the company and bring C&C back to a vital state against titles it never had any chance against even during peak popularity. Not to forget that the franchises it has to compete with have strong brand recognition that has been hammered into the public conscience for the past 10 years while C&C has been dead for the past 10 years.
The naiveté of that statement triggered me immensely. I apologize beforehand if all the text is one big mess due to my fever.
Lord_Kane: You think that is triggering? He tried to argue that I was blaming the EA development staff for the corporate decisions. (Which I wasn't) He also tried to suggest that "there are people who actually care about games at EA" (which wasnt my point, I was talking about how EA as a corporate entity views games and how it views customers.)
He then made two statements that made me want to strangle him:
1. "You have become jaded and bitter about EA, open up! they are TRYING to be different! this is proof of it Jim Vasella CARES ABOUT C&C :) "
2. "You also just don't understand the games industry like I do."
I should add that this friend works at a major UK studio and since then he has become a corporate kiss ass, when this remaster was announced he started WHORING C&C Rivals on twitter to the point where I had to block him for 3 months.
You should probably let that friend go.