If you did not play the demo about 3 months ago, FYI just be aware that game:
-Has a timer mechanic (infection, and it's on since the beginning) that limits how many minutes your char will live. You can find cures for it that add 1 minute to your char's life. That mechanic presses you to just run to the end of each zone, get some items for a mission and continue. Some ppl ended the demo in just a few minutes because this. It also kills exploration.
-UI design feels like made for consoles. There's no hot keys for using items, you have to open a menu, navigating there, open what you want... For instance, to use a health cure (not for the infection, normal health i mean) you have to go there and eat cures 1 by 1 (to full recovery you need a few ones) No way to take consumables without opening a menu and/or navigating the convoluted console style menus.
-Weapons will broke, and you will not notice most of the time until you try to hit with them and then your char will just punch a zombie with his bare hand, which probably will mean that he will hardly hit you back without taking damage. Again, you will have to open a menu and go to weapons to equip another, no hot key to use/equip/prepare more than 1 melee weapon and 1 range weapon at the same time.
-Controls are also designed for consoles. In fact, devs recommender playing with a controller. Movement is only WASD without mouse (no problem here for me) but it feels clunky. For instance, instead of jumping over or through an obstacle like a window, you roll into it; instead of picking up an item, you punch a zombie that it's "around" the zone (it was outside a house, on the other side of a wall btw)
-Camera view is fixed, so sometimes you are just unable to see something if there's an obstacle there (like a car, for instance, with some items to loot on the other side of it) Same applies to a path if there are obstacles around: you would be unable to know if it's clear or you have to take another unless you go there and even though, the camere view will prevent you to see what's under your feets and you will only see the obstacle.
-The game has a strong steatlh component, but there is no stealth kills mechanic. If you are near a zombie, you just can hit it like your char would normally do standing up. Also, your char lunges forward with each melee attack moving your position (in a house with a few zombies, no stealth kills and moving forward with each hit mean getting surrounded and cormered easily)
-Game feels generic in all aspects: you have to pick up and carry around bags exactly like State of Decay and it has the same weapon breaking mechanic:; it looks exaclty like How to Survive 2; jumping fences and stealth feels like Project Zomboid (the way you cross over those obstacles, the animations with the same view...); you gather bottles and bricks and throw it to distract zombies exaclty like The Last of Us; zombie's "voices" are the same as in 7 Days to Die (probably just free assets but...if you have played that game you will notice instantly)
All of that was feedback that players provided after playing the demo, and except for being able to re-bind controls (you were forced to play with WASD at that point) there were 0 answers from devs to any of these questions/worries/feedback, so most probably alll will be there at the final version.
That said, i hope the game has been improved in these last months and i really wish good luck to devs. But i will wait and see way after release before jumping in.