Mori_Yuki: I just read the same and must say no manual saving and checkpoints I wouldn't mind. No rebind, no mouse-support == no support from me, period. Another developer saving me some money courtesy their own laziness or unwillingness to offer full support for native PC hardware/input devices. I wonder when this lesson will finally sink in, PC != Console. PC game can be played with controller, yes, but saving the time not implementing native control scheme? They can go to the Netherhell with it.
my name is capitayn catte: I get the complaints about key rebinding, but mouse support shouldn't be a given because a mouse just isn't a useful input device for some kinds of games. If Nintendo suddenly did the unthinkable and released an official 2D Mario collection on GOG would you complain about lack of mouse support?
And how is it not useful in this game apropos hard-coded keys all over the keyboard versus mapping certain actions to a mouse, attack, interact, accessing a menu and navigating certain menus?
Really if this game was released on a console first and later released on PC, or its developed and released for both at the same time neglecting one piece of hardware + peripherals over another (console vs. PC), I do expect they go the extra mile and optimize it for PC as they obviously did for Switch. Saving work, not having to change messages and mapped keys and mouse buttons, this is just a sloppy port not worth my money.
If Nintendo would release a collection I wouldn't buy. Why? Because if I was into jump&run games (which I may have been some 30 years ago) I would have bought it for a console or handheld. Why? Because then I know it is optimized for these devices and controllers.