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Get ready for teeth-clenching stealth gameplay, followed by a hardcore shootout for those not looking for a quiet way in. Intravenous is coming soon to GOG.COM!

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Looks pretty nice.
Sorry for not being excited over this news. This is about the 10th or 14th pixel mush game in a pool of what feels like ahundredmillionplusone over the last couple years - and, yes, it starts getting old. May we consider adding some games in the next couple NOT being pixel or cheap looking mobile clones of some game that's already been done before? Can we, please?

I don't say I don't like the occasional pixel-art game standing out from the mass and it's getting increasingly harder to discover those. Since there are lots of wishes still not fulfilled for whatever reason maybe we ye are willing to strike a balance? Let's say for every pixel junk game coming up for release during the next 6 months GOG will add 5 games from the Community Wishlist. How about it?
Post edited April 09, 2021 by Mori_Yuki
Make way, ladies and gentlemen!
Here comes another video game in the style of Alien Breed and Hotline Miami... But with a charisma of its own: INTRAVENOUS!
To the wish list. And I'll try it for sure!
Looks good. For a small indie dev team, the pixel art is amazing, including good animations, real-time 2D lightning and FOV. And most important, gameplay seems promising.
Can't wait to play this one.
Mori_Yuki: Sorry for not being excited over this news. This is about the 10th or 14th pixel mush game in a pool of what feels like ahundredmillionplusone over the last couple years - and, yes, it starts getting old. May we consider adding some games in the next couple NOT being pixel or cheap looking mobile clones of some game that's already been done before? Can we, please?

I don't say I don't like the occasional pixel-art game standing out from the mass and it's getting increasingly harder to discover those. Since there are lots of wishes still not fulfilled for whatever reason maybe we ye are willing to strike a balance? Let's say for every pixel junk game coming up for release during the next 6 months GOG will add 5 games from the Community Wishlist. How about it?

Your position reminds me a lot of the SNES and Sega Genesis era in America.
Many of the video games of the time were considered clones of other classics with no personality of their own and were strongly criticised by the critics of specialised magazines such as GAMEPRO and Nintendo Power. Video games such as Hagane, just to give one example, passed by without a trace. Curiously today they are cult classics among those who didn't even know of their existence in the 90's.
I sincerely celebrate indie video games at a time in history when AAA companies are only interested in generating profits by throwing away gems of the past or forgetting about them because they don't generate the money they want to...
Yes I accept it is a clone, but there are also clones with their own personality just waiting for a chance to be discovered and played.

A hug, best regards!
Mori_Yuki: Sorry for not being excited over this news. This is about the 10th or 14th pixel mush game in a pool of what feels like ahundredmillionplusone over the last couple years - and, yes, it starts getting old. May we consider adding some games in the next couple NOT being pixel or cheap looking mobile clones of some game that's already been done before? Can we, please?

I don't say I don't like the occasional pixel-art game standing out from the mass and it's getting increasingly harder to discover those. Since there are lots of wishes still not fulfilled for whatever reason maybe we ye are willing to strike a balance? Let's say for every pixel junk game coming up for release during the next 6 months GOG will add 5 games from the Community Wishlist. How about it?
I get what you're saying 'not another idie game tm' This one looks fun though. I like fun.
Mori_Yuki: Sorry for not being excited over this news. This is about the 10th or 14th pixel mush game in a pool of what feels like ahundredmillionplusone over the last couple years - and, yes, it starts getting old. May we consider adding some games in the next couple NOT being pixel or cheap looking mobile clones of some game that's already been done before? Can we, please?

I don't say I don't like the occasional pixel-art game standing out from the mass and it's getting increasingly harder to discover those. Since there are lots of wishes still not fulfilled for whatever reason maybe we ye are willing to strike a balance? Let's say for every pixel junk game coming up for release during the next 6 months GOG will add 5 games from the Community Wishlist. How about it?
UCrest: Hi!

Your position reminds me a lot of the SNES and Sega Genesis era in America.
Many of the video games of the time were considered clones of other classics with no personality of their own and were strongly criticised by the critics of specialised magazines such as GAMEPRO and Nintendo Power. Video games such as Hagane, just to give one example, passed by without a trace. Curiously today they are cult classics among those who didn't even know of their existence in the 90's.
I sincerely celebrate indie video games at a time in history when AAA companies are only interested in generating profits by throwing away gems of the past or forgetting about them because they don't generate the money they want to...
Yes I accept it is a clone, but there are also clones with their own personality just waiting for a chance to be discovered and played.

A hug, best regards!

My argument isn't so much about clones in the sense of same game loop, type, genre, interface ... It's only the art style which makes one game look like the next making it hard to see something that's certainly in there that's novel, a mechanic, unique use of stats (if there are any).

It would be an utter lie had I said that I don't like clones. My Doom (original) and gazillionth clone collection are testament to this. New story, challenges, different setting is all it sometimes takes because it is difficulty to push the envelope all time and deliver a game for the ages. I don't underestimate that.

Though having the same graphic style for games - Indie or not - just because a fraction sold very well in the past and maybe that one outlier sticking out in a positive way, this I would compare to the Atari (2600 sic.) era, where in lack of real graphics, blocks had been used becoming everything from a Smurf to E.T. And how I wish I had been able to convince my dad to buy that second hand machine with about 60 to 70 games, including E.T., when it was still rare ... ;-)) What I am trying to say is: Times have moved on, there is more than blocks (Minecraft Fans please forgive me) and pixels available now to make a game shine, so why pixels? That's something I hope someone making that next pixel art game of whatever pixel art [i]style out there start asking themselves before jumping head on into development.

Anyway ... Just to also make clear I don't judge this game in any way shape or form! There are consumers out there loving pixel style no matter it's the 100th or 1000th one. It's just about my having seen one to many lately and I hope my little rant on here can be forgiven and taken for what it is.

That said, have a very nice day and or night and stay safe! :-)
Post edited April 09, 2021 by Mori_Yuki
Mori_Yuki: Sorry for not being excited over this news. This is about the 10th or 14th pixel mush game in a pool of what feels like ahundredmillionplusone over the last couple years - and, yes, it starts getting old. May we consider adding some games in the next couple NOT being pixel or cheap looking mobile clones of some game that's already been done before? Can we, please?

I don't say I don't like the occasional pixel-art game standing out from the mass and it's getting increasingly harder to discover those. Since there are lots of wishes still not fulfilled for whatever reason maybe we ye are willing to strike a balance? Let's say for every pixel junk game coming up for release during the next 6 months GOG will add 5 games from the Community Wishlist. How about it?
A low-res graphics style is often not only a question of style and aesthetics but an economic necessity. If you're a small team or maybe even a single developer, you may not have the means to do "bigger", more up-to-date graphics. And to be fair, looking at modern AAA games, they often look kinda same-ish too. Highly detailed character models and scenery, performance-captured animations, etc - if everybody is realistic-high-res-blingbling, then nobody will stand out from the crowd either. In the end, graphics are just the packaging and the content, i.e. gameplay, should matter more :)

Don't get me wrong though. I understand what you're saying. I personally am not so much fed up with pixel graphics per se, but with the use of the term pixel art and how it's being overused so much. I wish I got 1€ for every time I read phrases like "lovely pixel-art", "cool old-school pixels" and the likes on a game's store page. I myself am not a complete stranger to creating pixel-art and sometimes I find myself thinking "yeah, it's pixel alright.. can't see much of the art though". Just thinking it, not saying it out loud, mind you :D

As for games on the community wishlist... I'm sure that more of these games would be available by now if it was that easy. It's certainly not because GOG doesn't want to have them. I think especially with older games it's not always clear who currently holds the rights to these titles, if anybody at all. With many of the more modern AAA games the publishers simply don't seem to be too keen to have their products available without drm or they even have their own store where they're selling exclusively. That's why you won't find e.g. EA or Ubisoft titles from the last 10 or so years here.

Anyway... Just my thoughts.
Post edited April 09, 2021 by Dillerkind
David9855: I like fun.
Burn the witch!
This sounds very interesting !
And I hope we will see Game Dev Studio too from the same dev coming here too !

You can vote for it here :
Post edited April 09, 2021 by Splatsch
Dillerkind: A low-res graphics style is often not only a question of style and aesthetics but an economic necessity. If you're a small team or maybe even a single developer, you may not have the means to do "bigger", more up-to-date graphics.
I would also like to ring in, if you excuse me :)

Yes, you have many valid poinst in your posts.
You mention economic reasons. Right, but you don't need 3D graphics for a good looking game...*

I am also slowly seeing myself in the group of people, who says, that there are simply too much new games every week with pixel graphics.

Yes, there are situations/games, where pixel-graphics can be and look good, like let's see, Tooth and Tail, Undungeon (comming soon), Lovecraft's Untold Stories, Valfaris, Blasphemous, Broforce, Crystal Caves HD etc.

[i]* Personally I prefer modern graphic like you can see in
Street of Rage 4;
Guns, Gore & Cannoli;
Monster Train;
Cat Quest series;
The Adventure Pals;
The Swords of Ditto;
Mark of the Ninja;
8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure (released yesterday);
Shadowrun Returns series;
Feudal Alloy;
Fury Unleashed;
Steamworld series
...and many others.

I tried to make a list of games you can buy on[/i]

So, why not try something "better"?
It looks like an interesting game. :)
But yes, this game (Intravenous) sure looks good, I mean for a pixel art game. (●'◡'●)
Mori_Yuki: Sorry for not being excited over this news. This is about the 10th or 14th pixel mush game in a pool of what feels like ahundredmillionplusone over the last couple years - and, yes, it starts getting old. May we consider adding some games in the next couple NOT being pixel or cheap looking mobile clones of some game that's already been done before? Can we, please?

I don't say I don't like the occasional pixel-art game standing out from the mass and it's getting increasingly harder to discover those. Since there are lots of wishes still not fulfilled for whatever reason maybe we ye are willing to strike a balance? Let's say for every pixel junk game coming up for release during the next 6 months GOG will add 5 games from the Community Wishlist. How about it?
I don't want to contribute to the pile-on but

> Company: Roman Glebenkov / Roman Glebenkov

One dude. This is as close to Good Old Games as we can get, and as far from cheap looking mobile clones as a game can ever be. I want to play a game someone wanted to make.