painocus: Ah, I misunderstood your problem. Isn't that more GoG's fault than RedThread's then? I thought GoG created the store-fronts, not the developers? I might also be a bit more forgiving with something like this, since the way it was released meant that for a good while you were buying knowing that you would only be given an incomplete game, with the promise of getting the full game eventually. Still, there should be a way to make it clear what is already implemented and what is not.
No, GOG is in the clear in this case. Afair they also clearly stated when only certain parts already had additional languages available. I told the devs about the Steam store page and this is handled by the devs themselves (I know that for a fact because I know some other devs that are planning to release their kickstarted game on Steam soon and already created their Steam page. Sorry - probably should have mentioned it.
painocus: Note that I said "from the get-go". French and German translations were added as a stretch-goal to the Kickstarter 18 days before it closed, and achieved only 3 days before it closed. They weren't planned from the beginning, but added later as potential bonuses because people were requesting them. A Kickstarter project like this doesn't usually start from point blank once it's goal is reached, usually (or at-least ideally) most of the development planning and a lot of ground work is already done before that.
1) To be honest, I did not know that since I was part of the "slacker backer" back then.
2) I still think that the released game should contain everything people were backing for. "Stretch goal" is meaning that they got more than aimed for so that this goal was also possible. In such case it's nothing more or less (at least that's my opinion) than the base game. It's a funded and therefore at release expected feature.
I might also add that I did not say "People don't buy this game." It was just that I was a BIG fan of the devs and when I heard they would continue TLJ I was thrilled. But then I was really disappointed how the whole localisation thing has been handled. As far as I know their publisher (EuroVideo in Germany if I am not mistaken) had to handle it and they really neglected their responsibilities. Whenever I asked when German will arrive answers were vague at best, my advice to change the gamepage were ignored and in the forums people were hating me for suggesting to release the next episode when it is finished completely so that we all would be happy at the same time. So the way everything went was so disappointing for me that I left the forums and I also wasn't sure if I should trust the devs anymore. The end result imo still was an amazing game (even though they should not have changed episodes in the end but that's a different story).
Long story short: they make good games I really like with great characters and high quality work, I adored them before the kickstarter but this nearly fan-boyish thing got a big dent because of my experience during the release dates for the episodes. If things would have went a bit smoother the only thing I would have posted here is "instabought" but that's the reason why I am not sure if I'll buy on release - still pretty sure I will buy in the end.