amok: What do you mean by "cut out", you can't cut out something which was never there....
QuadrAlien: There was mention of multiplayer somewhere in the design, but it was eventually removed. Probably when they realised it was going to be a nightmare and that they should focus on the single-player first.
I seem to remember there's a specific blog post they did on the subject.
EDIT: Not specific, but the introduction of one:
aye, and that's the nature of development. What you can do, what works and so on is not the same as what you want when you start of, and that is how it works. it is a good blog pot, by the way, as most of their development blogs are. It does not mean the feature is "cut out", it means iit was not implemented as it was not working.
amok: What do you mean by "cut out", you can't cut out something which was never there....
bela555: sorry! i speak only potatoe english you know what i wanted to say
no problem, see above also.