RWarehall: Maybe if you didn't come out and complain about "cis white christian males" you wouldn't automatically fall in that camp...
Your classified yourself by that statement...
Telika: Maybe if you did realise how easy it is to dismiss minority issues when you belong to the dominant majority, you'd grasp the relevancy of that statement. Failing that, you pretty much classify yourself too.
Just like failing to grasp that MAYBE the general attitude of society towards queer identities MAY be a MARGINALLY more important factor in a gay or trans teen commiting suicide than some supposed trendy coolness of it. But yeah, let's avoid this line of thinking, right.
People commit protest suicides for many causes. Military occupations, economic despair, etc. It's always futile, it's always a marginal symptom of a much wider issue that does not require it to get visibility (does it, you make me wonder actually), but still, turning the blame to these suicides themselves as their own causes, without a glance for the socio-political background that make the phenomenon emerge, is completely dishonest (what pushes people to even contemplate it, beyond your mere "they didn't have the right psy support" answer, as if the very fact that they'd need it would be their own fault). Don't let that bother you, though. Just strap those people in whatever chemical straitjacket they'd need, just kick them back strong enough into the row, and the problem will go away.
The visibility problem, mostly, but that's what matters.
I knew it, there you played the "dominant majority can't see the truth card". Same silly rhetoric.
And of course trans teen suicide is more complicated that that. Where did I say it wasn't? Oh right, you putting words in my mouth again...what because I might be "dominant majority" its impossible to see the big picture?
But maybe you should pay attention to my original point...that it might be counterproductive constantly talking about trans suicides because that publicity in itself may convince some to go through with it, like Leelah. That was the final lines of her suicide note and she stated explicitly that she was hoping that adding her death to the statistic might increase awareness. That was the end of her note. That is significant. I notice how you seem to want to "avoid" that subject...why? Because I might be right?
And frankly, I will never support youth suicide. I will never call someone brave for doing it. They are not courageous. It's a bad thing Do you not see how holding this disturbed individual as a martyr might be encouraging others to be the next martyr? How about taking responsibility for your part in this? Because some of the blame isn't just society's...whether you like it or not...
Edit: And how about a serious question...what do you think is the solution? Its easy to keep complaining, but what is a level-headed solution that works outside of a "trans vacuum"? Because jailing or killing anyone who disagrees with your "great new social concept" isn't a practical option at all...