Cheese is full of fat. Especially Yellow Cheese, which is processed and with other things mixed in, making it unhealthy also. White Cheese smells like white poo, too. One of the very few ingredients i get disgusted to even touch, even if others are going to eat it. People distolerant to lactose are in danger. Vomiting the crap out of your stomach just because you decided to chew one damn bite of this deadly stuff, is not too uncommon...
That being said, i like yellow cheese, melted in pizza or toast, raw in cold sandwich or something. But i try to keep its consumption to minimum.
Cheese is also one of those foods that have to be preserved well and with extra care, because they can spoil easily and give you serious health complications, if they get infected. Not my cup of tea, but a very fine and delicate, both basic and advanced, culinary product. Can transform many dishes, be served extra as is, etc. Many people like it and i don't blame them.
But i insist. Chocolate is best.
Post edited June 05, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7