Ancient-Red-Dragon: I agree that DRM-free is great.
Your post seems to imply that DRM punishes pirates too, but it doesn't. DRM has literally zero effect on pirates. Cracking groups remove DRM from DRM-infested games. Therefore, pirates play their games DRM-free.
I don't agree that pirates are "bad folk." There are a lot of reasons why good people may pirate, i.e.
- piracy is often the only way to acquire games that are off the market (some people will rebut this with things like "buy an old retail copy on eBAY," but that's not really viable because a lot of old games either aren't on eBAY at all, or the ones on eBAY are in questionable/used condition, or the ones on eBAY are set at price-gouging prices, etc.)
- game companies don't release demos any more even though that used to be standard practice
- pirated versions are often the only way to play the game DRM-free
- a lot of games are way too short and/or of bad quality to be worth their retail price
- some people are poor and can't afford full priced games,
- etc.
I agree with some of what you said, but not all ... certainly not quite in the same way anyway. :)
Even those who pirate are punished, for they must work to overcome DRM, and then as others have said, they have to do much of it again, if a bugfix is released, upgrades, patches, etc. And as well as that, I don't see quite the proliferation of cracked games since the advent of Steam ... especially over time. So while I did not exactly mean they get punished too, I think it obvious that they have been. And I guess some get found out and penalized ... in particular, using Online play can be a hard nut to crack for a pirate. So it is not all rosy in Pirate Land.
I strongly agree about availability & price, though of course, many have a counter argument, which I don't agree with at all. I believe in being fair, and if companies don't follow that ethical & moral rule, then it is open slather in my view.
The only pirates I call bad really, are those that want monetary recompense. But I wasn't talking about my view of pirates, rather the view held by retailers or those who create and sell games.
DRM has become more and more ridiculous and imposing over the years. Those who impose DRM have their head so far stuck up their nether region, that they can no longer see the wood for the trees.
And like someone else here said ... It's only a game for dog's sake. But the same applies to music, movies, ebooks, etc. While I believe in supporting creators, and do so heaps, the lengths that some go to with DRM is just so stupid it is truly boggling. These aren't the necessities of life, they are just fun & entertainment. For every creator that makes megabucks, there are hundreds (if not thousands) who make diddly squat.
So from my perspective, it is Good (us) versus Evil (DRM).
Long Live GoG!