amok: If you value politics higher then a good game, then yes, i do think you should boycott and stop playing games in general. perhaps find a new hobby where you can just relax and let go, gaming is not good for you if you get riled up like this and it becomes political for you, instead of finding enjoyment in the games.
While I can't speak for them, I think they're speaking in terms of the opposite. They don't want the developers to be "housed by agendas." They don't want some vocal minority who doesn't play their games dictating how much bare skin is allowed, or if navels are too sexy thus must be covered. They don't want the story writers to censor what they're making, they don't want the artists covering up characters. They want companies to cater the ads, jokes, memes to the people who are actually going to buy the game.
Compare just how far western developers currently go out of their way "not to offend" then compare it to Japanese developers who say look on with mild amusement and ignore it all. Just look at how far translators will litterally gut material out of a story, because THEY not the developer, find it morally offensive. To make a point, The Witcher being made today would be blasted from sex-negative feminists, people joining the outrage mob(s), and screeching from the highest towers over the sex cards. You'd see the articles on polygon, kotaku, the mary sue, the verge, vice, and all the rest saying how this "dehumanizes women" "treats them as sex objects" and blahblahblah.
Were currently in a social age where people are being censored(either hard or soft) to avoid offending the mob of self righteous busybodies that would be more at home 20-30 years ago with the "rap music despoils the youth" and "AD&D causes mass murders and satanism" crowds.