rtcvb32: I always try to give them warnings and they know it's coming, it's not like I'm kicking them without a reason. Although that does bring up a really bad set of lines I could use while using the phones in korea since everything is tapped...
HGiles: P.S. Kicking pets for punishment is
always abusive. Just like kicking kids is always abusive. Just stop and learn to be better.
I never
EVER kick pets (
or kids) intentionally... (
maybe when they run right in front of me unexpectedly.... but you can't help that, and it's more like just nudging them than kicking).
Glancing at my words it's easy to misread what i meant to say, in how the context was laid out. A sentence can have several different meanings depending on how you put emphasis on different words.
edit: My GF has harped on me the last half hour about how my wording has said that
'i kick cats' when clearly i do not. I guess the easiest way to fix the wording is to drop the
'without a reason' bit. So my quote post on 58 SHOULD be:
I always try to give them warnings and they know it's coming; And it's not like I'm kicking them HGiles, sorry if it seemed like i am somehow an animal abusing prick. I'm not. The only reason the cat was hiding, was because he has a good impression i will throw him right back outside, and that itself is the punishment for having caught him marking in the house multiple times.