MajicMan: The use of the Euro currency to hammer and hold down Greece and Italy, the massive cost it burdens on Finland and other nations to do bail outs because it does not factor in different laws, cultures and systems by each nation.
supplementscene: You mean you think the Euro should of been devalued to protect the Greek/Italian economies? Do you believe the Dollar should of been devalued to protect the economy of Michigan? Or should Michigan become an independent country so they can manage their own economy? Yes it's the same thing.
The two are not the same.
Greece, Italy, Germany, France, etc. are different nations. Each has different laws, each has different work laws, finance laws, labor laws.
Michigan does not have different laws to the USA. Federal minimum wage in Michigan is the same as every state in America, as is the 40-hour work week, as are the Federal holidays.
Michigan suffered because Detroit made many bad decisions, and Chicago and the state of Illinois are in trouble too, because of horrible economic decisions, bad union contracts, unfunded pensions, super high taxation so companies have left and are leaving.
However, the dollar is universal in America. The euro is not in the EU. When the Euro was introduced, the local currencies of Greece, Italy, France, Germany, etc. were not the same. The Franc, the Mark, the Lira, all had different trade values, so just putting everybody under one currency roof has been a disaster. Saying everything is the same now never made it true.