Posted February 01, 2021
low rated
Well then, if you mean game developers then I can definitely tell you that major amount just doesn't listen, you can find enough evidence that good coding practises aren't exactly always a thing by casual SteamDB crawling, things like cringe branching, not password protecting your development branches, unnecessarily duplicating packages, "everything in one depot", and other things.
Leevi: A) Devotion didn't make fun of China's Pooh Bear anymore. The one tiny scrap of paper making fun of him was removed from the game already Yeah, that is drastically underestimated point that many either don't know about yet or choose to ignore.
As far as public info goes there was no trace of "the offending content" in GOG release.
Which makes the whole "a bunch of gamers contacted us because they got offended by 'offending content' in form of one singular joke" point topple since those "gamers" wouldn't know what is ACTUALLY in GOG build before playing it - ergo before release there couldn't be a way to tell if it's there or not (for non insider consumers) - ergo that GOG reasoning is a bunch of BS.
If EVERY world country leader would take casual insults seriously we would be already past WW3, hey, maybe even WW4.
And what exactly makes you come to that conclusion?
Do you have any proof for that claim?
You know, it's funny, I merely asked a question in my post, meanwhile you stright out claim to know my life's history :P
As a matter of a fact I have coded in the past in few different languages. I have also dealt with a vast amount of bugs in existing software that is claimed to be patched "long ago".
I can certainly tell from my own experience that some things are a b*tch to debug without debugging software.
Perhaps you wanted to say "make you seem you want to be seen as competent"? No?
Well, if not then phrasing of your sentence makes it sound like you actually acknowledge and see me as competent :P
Well excuse my rudeness politely pointing out the obvious, but good coding practises call for fundamental testing to ensure your piece of code is of quality.
If you think persona thinking that is not a real dev then it's entirely your choice to think so but it really doesn't change anything whatsoever in this world nor related persona's IT & technological background.
Gee, if only I would care about your opinion in that regard.
toxicTom: I have sent in Amiga disks to get an updated version, and only s few weeks later I got new disks back with the fix for the game-breaking bug Good for you. Maybe you were also sending them cash along with those disks to "throw money at a problem". Maybe they also already knew about a problem and merely gave you beta patch that they already had cooked up.
Who knows. And frankly I don't care. That sentence of yours really doesn't change anything in what I have said.
Me wall of text sometime cringe at you lack spellchecking.
Also if you think that was a wall of text then you clearly haven't seen my ACTUAL wall of text ;)
Are you implying I am having some sort of mental issues?
Because what you wrote makes it seem like you are. And that's incredibly rude and inappropriate.
I am not a masochist so I would certainly not seek "everybody out there to get me and intend to screw me other".
Yet another reason to spend more time on testing it then. If you know your product is complex it would be ignorant to think you can get away with insufficient QA team & time.
There is also pretty sharp difference between mistakes and negligence.
toxicTom: Sometimes two identical set up systems (from scratch) will behave in wildly different ways No. If you have 2 systems that are supposed to be exact copies and they behave "WILDLY" different it means you have not dug deep enough to see they have differences and subsequently you failed to ensure they are the exact same.
I will not quote certain line of yours because unlike you I will not judge your mental health by simple shorterm interactions on public-facing global-network-hosted forum.
Anyway, congratulations, I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, many in technology-related areas, and fixed some % of them, but I did not rip my hair off since I value my health and would like to have some hair left for later on.
I use Arch btw.
Honestly, why should anybody care?
Age is no guarantee of experience.
Same for work hours spend in some area.
D.Keys: The deep conflict you're talking about is what is Truth, in the first place.
(Philosophical question, those who understand, will understand where Im getting at.) Well we live in a world where people are lazy and generally don't verify their data, see correcting and pointing out their mistakes as a personal attack instead of generosity and enlightenment source, where people are notoriously easy to mislead and any sh*t can fly as long as it's popular(belief) enough, where "convenience over privacy" is majority's jam and getting out of thy self comfort zone is like making suborbital base jump for most.
I think it's worth noting that some % of boycotting people are long-time loyal customers that are financial spend HVTs.
The_Puppet94: do I want to boykott GOG out of business? Not really till now there aren't really convincing alternatives for me You can choose to passively (doing nothing) "let them continue" and "see if they change" (yeah, good luck with that) or you can make drastic steps to make them reconsider their business choices.
People don't want to "burn the company to the ground".
The whole point of boycott is to force them to change for the better.
Ironically quality control is often better in small indie studios. There is a considerable slack and "corpo mentality" in bigger, AAA studios where people think "since customers are used to broken releases they will defintitely let this one slide too".
edit: fixed one spelling mistake and replaced one word with correct intended one

As far as public info goes there was no trace of "the offending content" in GOG release.
Which makes the whole "a bunch of gamers contacted us because they got offended by 'offending content' in form of one singular joke" point topple since those "gamers" wouldn't know what is ACTUALLY in GOG build before playing it - ergo before release there couldn't be a way to tell if it's there or not (for non insider consumers) - ergo that GOG reasoning is a bunch of BS.
If EVERY world country leader would take casual insults seriously we would be already past WW3, hey, maybe even WW4.
And what exactly makes you come to that conclusion?
Do you have any proof for that claim?
You know, it's funny, I merely asked a question in my post, meanwhile you stright out claim to know my life's history :P
As a matter of a fact I have coded in the past in few different languages. I have also dealt with a vast amount of bugs in existing software that is claimed to be patched "long ago".
I can certainly tell from my own experience that some things are a b*tch to debug without debugging software.
Perhaps you wanted to say "make you seem you want to be seen as competent"? No?
Well, if not then phrasing of your sentence makes it sound like you actually acknowledge and see me as competent :P
Well excuse my rudeness politely pointing out the obvious, but good coding practises call for fundamental testing to ensure your piece of code is of quality.
If you think persona thinking that is not a real dev then it's entirely your choice to think so but it really doesn't change anything whatsoever in this world nor related persona's IT & technological background.
Gee, if only I would care about your opinion in that regard.

Who knows. And frankly I don't care. That sentence of yours really doesn't change anything in what I have said.
Me wall of text sometime cringe at you lack spellchecking.
Also if you think that was a wall of text then you clearly haven't seen my ACTUAL wall of text ;)
Are you implying I am having some sort of mental issues?
Because what you wrote makes it seem like you are. And that's incredibly rude and inappropriate.
I am not a masochist so I would certainly not seek "everybody out there to get me and intend to screw me other".
Yet another reason to spend more time on testing it then. If you know your product is complex it would be ignorant to think you can get away with insufficient QA team & time.
There is also pretty sharp difference between mistakes and negligence.

I will not quote certain line of yours because unlike you I will not judge your mental health by simple shorterm interactions on public-facing global-network-hosted forum.
Anyway, congratulations, I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, many in technology-related areas, and fixed some % of them, but I did not rip my hair off since I value my health and would like to have some hair left for later on.
I use Arch btw.
Honestly, why should anybody care?
Age is no guarantee of experience.
Same for work hours spend in some area.

(Philosophical question, those who understand, will understand where Im getting at.)
I think it's worth noting that some % of boycotting people are long-time loyal customers that are financial spend HVTs.

People don't want to "burn the company to the ground".
The whole point of boycott is to force them to change for the better.
Ironically quality control is often better in small indie studios. There is a considerable slack and "corpo mentality" in bigger, AAA studios where people think "since customers are used to broken releases they will defintitely let this one slide too".
edit: fixed one spelling mistake and replaced one word with correct intended one
Post edited February 01, 2021 by B1tF1ghter