Matewis: A few zones in Northrend were pretty cool true, like Grizzly Hills and that jungle zone (where I got my purple drake!), but for me it didn't compare to the vanilla zones, atmosphere wise that is. I can't really put my finger on it. The dungeons were pretty fun still I have to say. Where the atmosphere that I liked totally flew out of the window was with Cataclysm. I didn't enjoy the underground, underwater or desert zones one bit.
Elmofongo: But TBC fully retained that athmosphere.
I mean at the time TBC is to WOW the same as how Lords of Destruction was to Diablo 2, Frozen Throne was to Wacraft 3, and Brood War was to Starcraft 1.
Sure, I'd agree with the second part. However "that atmosphere" for me is relative to Warcraft 3. I don't know about you, but I became a huge fan of the Warcraft vibe/atmoshpere (call it what you will) starting with the first RTS game, and it culminated for me with Warcraft 3. With each sequel they changed the atmosphere a little, and I consider Warcraft 3 as the pinnacle of the Warcraft universe. It's that universe that I wanted to explore in WoW, and the vanilla zones allowed me to do just that.
There's nothing inherently wrong with TBC, it's just that it looks and feels too different relative to what I personally identify as the unique Warcraft vibe. And I simply don't like it as much. The fact that it's connected to the RTS games lore wise, and even location wise, does not alleviate that. The very first TBC zone does look a bit like one/two of the levels in Frozen throne though, but that's it.