Posted December 20, 2015

If yes: Did you play it on easy and still didn't make it through the last mission?
I'm really bad at RTS, usually play my games on easy the first time anyway and I didn't have a problem with the campagin, I never went far into Starcraft's campaigns though due to the lack of difficulty options.
I generally love playing games on higher difficulty levels and scaling it down to whatever feels right from there, but one thing I greatly dislike is when game developers make games impossibly difficult and force you to figure out the one single insane difficult path they've chosen for you to solve something, possibly making you button mash until your fingers bleed or you break a finger trying to do the right combination of button presses to pull off magic sauce, or make you stand on the right pixel on the screen or something else ridiculous. That's how I felt in the last level of Warcraft 3, you have a timed map (I hate timed maps) in which every so many minutes the map is flooded with a fixed number of enemies. You have to protect 3 or 4 areas and are eventually beaten back to where you make your base. Eventually there is a final massive confrontation complete with flying dragons attacking you like mad or something like that and you're just outnumbered and overwhelmed. I made it right to the last like 10 seconds a bunch of times and got killed, and got a distinct feeling that the game purposefully just ramped the difficulty of that whole battle up to impossible for no good reason that translates into actual end-gamer fun.
In the end I lost interest in trying to get past the impossible non-fun battle and just went and watched a Youtube video of someone else managing to finish it although I don't remember the ending either, but I'm sure someone has a video of it on Youtube still. :) At that point continuing to play is pointless if I'm not actually enjoying the game. I play games to experience entertainment and fun, and having a few frustrations along the way is inevitable and expected, but if a game becomes completely non-fun by sticking an impossible road block up then I just eventually throw my hands up in the air and go digging through my collection to find another one of the 800-900 games to play.
I was disappointed by that because I see Blizzard as being higher quality than that, but I still enjoyed the game as a whole and would give it great ratings minus points for the end. :)