Posted April 14, 2014
Oooh, this could be a really long ilst, I'll do it over a few intervals
Fallout 3: This pretty much explains itself, it wasn't a "Fallout" game but it was a great post-apoc RPG that was pretty fun and immersive.
Fallout: New Vegas: This game was a Fallout game, and had great story telling, the forced pathing at the beginning was iffy though. That one thing is enough to put it a notch below FO3, but otherwise a fun game.
Morrowind: My favourite game in The Elder Scrolls series, had a strange and distinct world that was fun to adventure through.
Oblivion: A bit of a bland world, but still fun.
Skyrim: Fairly streamlined but I preferred it over the much blander Oblivion.
Tales of Vesperia: Where do I start? Where do I finish? This game is great and it's easy to blow a ton of time on it.
FFIV: Storytelling at it's finest.
FFX: Cool story that kept me wanting to play more.
FFXII: The game that got shunned for trying to innovate, I liked it, alot of others didn't.
FFT: Enough said
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones: One of my favourite FE games
FE: Radiant Dawn: Pretty good, challenging for newcomers though
FE:A Probably the best FE game to date.
I'll stop there for now.
Fallout 3: This pretty much explains itself, it wasn't a "Fallout" game but it was a great post-apoc RPG that was pretty fun and immersive.
Fallout: New Vegas: This game was a Fallout game, and had great story telling, the forced pathing at the beginning was iffy though. That one thing is enough to put it a notch below FO3, but otherwise a fun game.
Morrowind: My favourite game in The Elder Scrolls series, had a strange and distinct world that was fun to adventure through.
Oblivion: A bit of a bland world, but still fun.
Skyrim: Fairly streamlined but I preferred it over the much blander Oblivion.
Tales of Vesperia: Where do I start? Where do I finish? This game is great and it's easy to blow a ton of time on it.
FFIV: Storytelling at it's finest.
FFX: Cool story that kept me wanting to play more.
FFXII: The game that got shunned for trying to innovate, I liked it, alot of others didn't.
FFT: Enough said
Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones: One of my favourite FE games
FE: Radiant Dawn: Pretty good, challenging for newcomers though
FE:A Probably the best FE game to date.
I'll stop there for now.