Bloody9: I have a VISA prepaid card that has $1.99 balance remaining on it. Thinking on spending it on another game (I've already bough 7 or 8 this sale) and was wondering what would you recommend as the best game on GOG priced at $1.49 right now? I can't do the whole $1.99 since there always seems to be an additional few cents charged after the initial purchase. I'm leaning towards Spacecom or Redline. Thanks for any suggestions!
ZFR: What games do you like?
Escape Goat,
VVVVVV are good choices if you like platformers
I like all sorts of games. The two I listed were games I either already own (on CD) or have played and enjoyed. One's a complete strategy game through and through and the other is an old FPS that's still enjoyable. I just bought on the sale Firewatch, SWAT 3 & 4, Dragon's Dogma, Baseball Stars 2, This War of Mine & Oblivion. I am intrigued by a lot of these new indie titles that are doing different things and are not the same old stuff.