ResidentLeever: Edit: So what format is neverhood using then?
osm: Some digital music format obviously. Who knows what they stuffed into those data files. Not sure how does this affect your picks tho.
Neverhood unfortunately is too obscure to compete with the likes of Quake or Red Alert anyway...
I know (again), I'm asking what since it was important for you to point out it doesn't use CD audio. If it's not cd audio I need to add it to the streaming audio list instead but the specific file format is lower priority.
ResidentLeever: You are of course free not to vote - the thread is for talking about your faves while the poll gets more people to post.
Acriz: When talking about OSTs, I feel more like a fat kid in a candy shop: I take some of those some of these and a few pieces of that!
The late 80s and 90s were the golden age of soundtracks, there's tons of good stuff.
Totally agree!
Archimedean Dynasty reminds me of Commander Blood/Captain Blood 2 a bit. Besides the more ebm/industrial tracks.