POLE7645: - About the original not being able to be sold separately, I find it to be an incredibly stupid point because that's the case for EVERY single game that has an updated re-release (remakes notwhistanding). And in some cases, we don't even get the originals (like Darksiders II, although it's understandable since the first port was horrible). Broken Sword 1 and 2, System Shock, Monkey Island 1 and 2 (no originals), Day of the Tentacle, Ori and the Blind Forest (no original), Oniken (no original), Strife, Darksiders 1 and 2 and Outcast. All of them have their re-release up front with their original either as a bonus or absent.
The difference is that at least in the case of the older games, there were no alternative versions available on the market anymore. So the 'enhanced' re-releases were better than having nothing at all, an improvement over the state of not being able to buy
any version of the game before that, while in the case of IWD and BG, previously available products were intentionally removed from the market
because of the re-release. Although you do have to give them credit for still offering the originals as extras, it still makes the game more expensive even for those who aren't interested in the 'enhanced' version. And it's not like people don't complain about the original versions of Monkey Island not being sold separately here.
Btw, Skyrim and the Bioshocks are other examples for games that are still available in their original version, despite the release of remastered versions.