GHOSTMD: Yes, yes it is definitly the only way to push back against social media madness and propaganda
because money is the only way companies understand. Take a good look at Didney now...
or comics where those industries are now. This is the only way, sadly....
StingingVelvet: The vast, vast majority don't care though. Also companies care more about courting the young than anyone else, and the young are very pro LGBT or whatever else. Disney is richer than god and even if their stock is down a bit now it's because of mediocre movie output and things like ESPN ratings, it has very little if anything to do with your culture war.
You're getting worked up, judging others and denying yourself great games for a bit part in a losing battle against the natural cultural change every generation sees. It's just senseless to me. I know it's all the rage right now though, and you can't be dissuaded. See you on the other side I guess.
The vast vast majority is silent, although you are right that most do not care (i think as well)
Right now it seems no issue at all, the issues will come later on, when it gets "ignored" for too long.
Just as video game players "ignored" DRM and always online issues for far too long, now we have
a marktet that is flooded with that shit and platforms like GoG struggling because players are
way to comfortable to give away control over their property.
It is the same with the language change, with the only difference in the end ppl will end up more
intolerant, it already has begun. Because of this propaganda being pushed into every aspect of
our lives. The silent majority doesn t want that.
Make no mistake though even if didney still have godlike amounts of money, they do feel the pain
having one bomb after another over the last decade and didney already deducted right that lazy reboots
pushing "the message" lets use that phrase, are not suistainable. Make no mistkake Stock != disney making
the same amounts of profit as a decade ago.
I get worked up, because i can see our freedom being taken away, for reasons that are superficial.
I get worked up over this because words form throughts and vice versa, if your words are pressed
into a corset, then indoubtly ppl will end up more intolerant and radical. I should not care about that?
I should not get worked up over the fact that social media insanity tries to goverment my speaking
and thinking by coersing / blackmailing me into a certain speech pattern so no ones feelings get hurt?
You can stop right there, thats not gonna happen. Not supporting companies with 60€ because they
push this propaganda is the start even if it is in vain.
Yes i deny myself maybe one of the greatest games we have seen since Witcher 3, but if the price is too
high its not worth supporting a company that pushes language changes and propaganda. Also i do not
have to tell myself i supported this crap in the future.
On Top of that this change is not "natural" thats why it is so agitating, its a small subculture trying to dicatate
any other human how to speak and how to behave, that will not work period. It will only work as long
as the pressure (by threats) is there and only in public. Its ppl doing mad shit on the internet for attention
destroying their own future and now the future / current lives of others as well.
It is companies getting wrong numbers thinking wow there is massive money to be made by this.
All the while said companies fail to understand that talking about something does not convert 1 to 1
into sales. Specially if the talk is bad all over. (Lucky this is not the case for Baldurs Gate3, yet)
Yes you are right i build my judgement here on what i have seen, read and heard. Because of what
happend to streamers that wanted to show Howarts Legacy, because of Linko90 who was bullied out
of the industry (he was our CM here on GoG) i have not forgotten what the ragemmobs did.
Larian right now is pandering to exact those ragemobs, just you wait when Larian starts to say no.
Just as JKR started to say "NO" to the mad crowd, we know what will happen then.
Just as Gina Carano said no, to the social media mad crowd. Anyway, you are probably right though
getting too worked up over this is not good ^^
Maybe i just should get a bag of propcorn and enjoy the show *kek*