Time4Tea: What if a certain amount of 'puritanism' was part of the fictional setting? Again, FR is supposed to be a medieval fantasy setting - does it necessarily have to conform to modern-day PC values? The medieval European culture that much of the setting portrays was likely quite puritanical and conservative in nature (much more so than the modern day).
I am not a D&D expert by any means so anyone can feel free to correct me on this point, but my understanding was that the "medieval" setting of FR was not necessarily equivalent to medieval Europe. A cursory lookup of "Forgotten Realms" on wikipedia (bad source I know) said:
"Forgotten Realms is a fantasy world setting, described as a world of strange lands, dangerous creatures, and mighty deities, where magic and supernatural phenomena are quite real. The premise is that, long ago, planet Earth and the world of the Forgotten Realms were more closely connected. As time passed, the inhabitants of Earth had mostly forgotten about the existence of that other world – hence the name Forgotten Realms."
So I don't see anything in this sort of description that implies the values need to match "real life" historical ones may have been or that precludes the type of content in BG3. Probably the best argument is that historically, the adult content has been "unofficial"...but other games have added in "unofficial" content and then it is "official."
clarry: I'm not exactly a DnD expert but aren't these old fantasy games and related materials often decorated with portrayals of scantily clad women.. and engaging in topics such as sex slavery and inter-racial romance (hey I've played BG2 a little!). And don't tell me there are no
succubi in DnD.
I haven't seen the video OP mentioned but it doesn't sound like the content is really that new to the genre? It sounds like they're just taking it a step further.
I agree with your comment too. That's a good point...the door was arguably open for this type of content already. It could be said to be a logical progression of what was available previously.