Posted January 10, 2018
Freaking a bit, thinking about the quality stuff I'll inevitably miss live. Their automatic YouTube upload is apparently broken right now, but it sure will be fixed. Super Mario 3D World Any% is currrently on, quite a relaxed run from what I'm seeing.
LongitudinalThrust: It's not just about the glitches though. If anyone is interested in RNG manipulation, they're doing a Fire Emblem run now. Those games are always great examples of it. The science behind messing with the games is super interesting, I love it when related commentary is well done.
Doesn't mean all charities are corrupt though. But hey, one can still watch without donating anyways.
chevkoch: Watch Donkey Kong Country right now, in reverse boss order! Apparently that insane thing is possible...
flummoxed: Seen that live, it was awesome. I love me some AGDQ.
I also caught the coop Contra run live, that was also pretty entertaining, and the El Matador run, mygod. That game is broken as all hell.
I'm looking forward for a few runs like TMNT, Battletoads (both arcade and NES), Bubsy II, Titenic (that's right, no typo, this is an actual game, albeit a bootleg one), Duke Nukem 3D and a few others.
Haven't donated though. Not yet, at least :) Thanks for mentioning these, I'll use the thread as a reminder for watching archived runs later. One I missed and need to treat myself too is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I haven't seen a zero bosses run of that before.

Doesn't mean all charities are corrupt though. But hey, one can still watch without donating anyways.

I also caught the coop Contra run live, that was also pretty entertaining, and the El Matador run, mygod. That game is broken as all hell.
I'm looking forward for a few runs like TMNT, Battletoads (both arcade and NES), Bubsy II, Titenic (that's right, no typo, this is an actual game, albeit a bootleg one), Duke Nukem 3D and a few others.
Haven't donated though. Not yet, at least :)
Post edited January 10, 2018 by chevkoch