grimwerk: That link is useful, thanks. The screenshot, too. I was able to see the symbol, but the native version wasn't working.
I read
Raidō in your riddle and started making bad assumptions.
Well, Raidō is relevant to the riddle, so in that context wouldn't be an off assumption ;) I could have used a runic symbol instead of the lightning bolt for consistency, right. Still fits somewhat thematically, I guess; just had the bolt lying around from past usage.
Vythonaut: Also, i just listened to the official soundtrack and
The March of the Draugr is one hell of a track! :)
The OST is incredible, and the sound designer did an incredible job on the effects as well.
Here is a video about the audio production from Volgarr kickstarter days. Makes you love the game even more. I mean, to go with an orchestral soundtrack for a sidescroller, that just makes me happy :)
nightcraw1er.488: Not in but:
1-15: Stab dtgreene with his own spear whilst he kneels praying :o)
nightcraw1er.488: Just been watching that Last Kingdom BBC series, [...]
Oh, I didn't know that series existed, thanks! Sounds worth checking out, I'll make a mental note to look into it :) And: not sure about Odin's view about backstabbery of his followers, haha.
Gnostic: Not in, but I want to see what happens
1-15 Shield Reflect
adaliabooks: Hehe, that was my second idea but I decided to stick with a combo of different actions.
At least someone is attacking :P