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kusumahendra: It's just poor people live in bad environment and their behavior is affected by that, thus lower the standard of morality.
mchack: I don't know about that and I'm sure it's not good to generalise that (consider jesus the poor bastard ;) *
Right. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to generalize or anything. It's more like I'm not really good in putting my opinion on English so mistakes like this happens. It can be fixed by simply adding "some of" somewhere. Thanks for pointing that

mchack: But what's interesting in that context is that money (as in banking industry) doesn't make people more honest, quite the opposite. As has been shown in this paper (published in Nature).

...However, when their professional identity as bank employees is rendered salient, a significant proportion of them become dishonest.This effect is specific to bank employees because control experiments with employees from other
industries and with students show that they do not become more dishonest when their professional identity or bank related items are rendered salient. Our results thus suggest that the prevailing business culture in the banking industry weakens and undermines the honesty norm...
mchack: *[sorry don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but it just sounds so funny and since it's true, I just had to. ;)
(I mean his parents weren't married and he wasn't rich.)]
That's interesting. Well, can't say I disagree with it. I think money is a tool. Some of them are needed to get happiness. It's hard to be happy when you have to struggle day by day just to have something to eat.

But more money doesn't mean you're automatically happy. I have two friends, each got married to a nice girl from rich family, My friends, despite their wives being good people, got so many problems with their in laws, and almost every problem is related to money.

I also met some really rich people in the past. Some of them even own a factory or two. I rarely see them genuinely happy. Even my ex-boss (a factory owner) seems suffer more than I did when I worked for him.
kusumahendra: It's just poor people live in bad environment and their behavior is affected by that, thus lower the standard of morality.
mchack: I don't know about that and I'm sure it's not good to generalise that (consider jesus the poor bastard ;) *

But what's interesting in that context is that money (as in banking industry) doesn't make people more honest, quite the opposite. As has been shown in this paper (published in Nature).

...However, when their professional identity as bank employees is rendered salient, a significant proportion of them become dishonest.This effect is specific to bank employees because control experiments with employees from other
industries and with students show that they do not become more dishonest when their professional identity or bank related items are rendered salient. Our results thus suggest that the prevailing business culture in the banking industry weakens and undermines the honesty norm...
mchack: *[sorry don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but it just sounds so funny and since it's true, I just had to. ;)
(I mean his parents weren't married and he wasn't rich.)]
I don't think it is about the money, but rather the in-equality in punishment for misuse of it.

As mentioned, money is a tool in the banking industry:

Now think of, you use a hammer trying to extort money/whatever off somebody, what is the punishment, Especially if you really used the hammer? various a bit, but like 10y+

Or you use a hammer to rob somebody (again real us of it), gets you as well 10y+

BUT the banking industry is doing the same and are only getting slaps on their hands. IMHO banking industry shall be treated the same way as organized crime (examples? UBS helping with tax evasion, foreclosures and so on)

Just my 2 cents
Damn, why can't I delete my post?!
Post edited September 14, 2016 by LootHunter
LootHunter: Damn, why can't I delete my post?!
Only GOG can delete, you can only delete the content of it, it says so even somewhere in the EULA somewhere (sorry do lazy to search ;) )
I would really like to enter the last GA batch for 7,62 High Calibre . And I apologize if was offending earlier.
high rated
im really impressed how civil the conversation and the discussions in here are in regards to most of the forum ive seen, so big thanks to everyone participating not only for the continued support but also for keeping it as civil and understanding towards each other as possible

but wow, thank you for your generosity +1

but wow, thank you for your generosity +1
wow, thats one rare face there, thanks for dropping in
Back to the top
You really want to give those games away, don't you? Thanks for your dedication to giving!

I'm in for "7,62 High Calibre".

Relationship: Availability is a big issue (just kidding.....)
Becoming lazy and demanding after you finally have someone, can kill any relation. Like people said in previous posts, if you are selfish and care only about yourself, you just don't deserve to be in a relationship.

I don't remember who, but a famous quote says: "One loves and the other just lets them love"

I'm in for Demented
from batch 16

Sorry, I'm just a sucker when it comes to futuristic outer space thingy. Not sure if another relationship no-go is needed. It it is, will post it later. Got to think about it just in case :)
I'm in for Demented
from batch 16

Sorry, I'm just a sucker when it comes to futuristic outer space thingy. Not sure if another relationship no-go is needed. It it is, will post it later. Got to think about it just in case :)
Not needed for Batch 16 only for Batch 15
Morning Bump
Regarding Batch Sixteen i would like to enter for 8Bit Fiesta.
evening Bump :)