Posted September 14, 2016

...However, when their professional identity as bank employees is rendered salient, a significant proportion of them become dishonest.This effect is specific to bank employees because control experiments with employees from other
industries and with students show that they do not become more dishonest when their professional identity or bank related items are rendered salient. Our results thus suggest that the prevailing business culture in the banking industry weakens and undermines the honesty norm...

(I mean his parents weren't married and he wasn't rich.)]
But more money doesn't mean you're automatically happy. I have two friends, each got married to a nice girl from rich family, My friends, despite their wives being good people, got so many problems with their in laws, and almost every problem is related to money.
I also met some really rich people in the past. Some of them even own a factory or two. I rarely see them genuinely happy. Even my ex-boss (a factory owner) seems suffer more than I did when I worked for him.