rtcvb32: First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
- Martin Niemöller
BreOl72: The question that I always ask myself when reading something like this, is: WHY?
WHY do ordinary people believe their government is after them?
rtcvb32: Oh i don't know... Government demands everyone gets on their plan and those that don't are on a list... anyone with the means to defend themselves are also on the list. anyone that questions what they are doing are on the list... Which means i'm probably on the list.
BreOl72: WHY do ordinary people almost always believe their government will use child porn to go after them?
I mean: that's a very particular fear, isn't it?
Almost suspiciously particular.
rtcvb32: One of the easiest ways to convict you and only having to have trace evidence on any of your devices that they can easily hack? Why not? And there's no 'he said she said' it's 'you got it and you're thrown in jail... oh and we confiscate everything' probably.
BreOl72: And...WHY do those same ordinary people never think of this simple fact: IF your government ever truly wants to take you out - they can simply make you disappear.
In Australia, around 30.000 people are reported missing each year.
Not all of them get found again.
So, WHY should your government ser up an over-complicated plot to get you behind bars, if they simply can send some black-clad goons to drag you into a van and take you for a ride to the "and-nobody-ever-saw-him-again" part of the outback?
rtcvb32: In Australia mexico and others maybe. But people start asking questions, posting videos. And if a van pulls up and you have neighbors who don't take kindly to it, the van is likely to get pelted with bullet holes. To say the least i won't take kindly to FBI or anyone invading my home and i'll defend it to the death...
But arresting you because you are a bad person with child porn, well... that's much harder to get around now isn't it?
But don't worry all those in power who actually do it won't get convicted... and any attempt to do so will get shut down at the highest level with every attempt to uncover and bring to justice... One rule for Me, another for Thee
Well how effective a tool does it become that before even a trial by law the assumption has your defenders abandon you?
Paddy wagon pulls up man dragged out kicking and screaming, but no drugs and no screaming wife what is your assumption?
He was an evil man, he kept to himself a lot and that's creepy.
Then a charge that is trumped up; who will stand by him knowing him through their life?
Yes a lawyer will take the case; but you better hope their professional and not an emotional lizard brained human, but then it probably wouldn't matter.
That's the guys facebook account, there's the posted material, if it's his account it's his material what defense can the actually innocent man make?
Besides that the damage is already done so a blackmail threat is actually realized at the very point a charge is laid, but is most likely to be effective at arrest because at that point under interrogation the police could just decide to drop charges with no further scrutiny.
I found funny today this gem I came across, where a once head of our nanny state, big brother nation has trouble believing he too is being watched and doesn't like it.
https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-new-south-wales-update-police-fine-former-prime-minister-tony-abbott/7686baa0-543b-4b24-be87-40cca33abd44 How dare there be laws that are enforced by the scrutiny we advocate, against us in charge; whereby a person can unaccountably survielle and it's result be used to show a breach where we assert there was none.