Posted September 29, 2018
Was looking at specs says you need i5 processor but I have one of those 3000 something dual processors in my laptop. Also says you need 8 gb of ram I have 4 gb of Ram. In addition it says you need 55 gigs hard drive space free as well. I have 300 gigs free. So looks like just need a memory upgrade. Started download install of the game at library yesterday and after 6 hours it was 12% complete then I paused it and came back saturday and continued the download install again it's at over 35% complete now. No internet at my home so doing download/install of Bard's Tale 4 Barrows Deep at the library. No idea what kind of video I have under the hood either could be an issue if not powerful enough. My laptop is an Inspiron 17 5000 series by the way. Any advice how to proceed? I was really psyched to be able to get this premium version off of by purchasing with some of my birthday funds. Hope it turns out well in the .........continued ........
Post edited September 29, 2018 by Dhester