llamas: Okay, good to know that there wasn't something I missed. I have all the LucasArts adventures on CD so I used to play them with ScummVM, but now my new laptop doesn't have a disc drive so I am trying to re-buy them all here so I can always play them whenever I get the urge. I usually replay at least one of them a year but I have never replayed Escape From Monkey Island so I am looking forward to giving it another shot. I can see how people didn't like it but I had fun wtih it when it came out, excluding Monkey Kombat. Curse of Monkey Island on the other hand is in my top ten games of all time and definitely should be here!
babark: The solution in the meantime is to rip the discs you own to your harddrive. Or at least the important files that are needed for ScummVM to run them. That is what I do anyhow.
Awesome, I did rip the discs onto my old laptop and transferred them over. I know Curse runs fine on ScummVM because I have played it through that before but I think another program is needed to run Escape From Monkey Island.
llamas: What is the obvious reason for Curse of Monkey Island and Escape From Monkey Island not to be here?
Prah: The reason is that they never got the Special Edition-treatment. As you can see, GOG doesn't have the original versions of Secret of Monkey Island or Monkey Island 2, but the 2009/2010 special editions.
I am okay with the special editions of Monkey Island 1 and 2 sold here because I use
The Ultimate Talkie Edition and I prefer the nine verb interface in Monkey Island 1. This way you get the best of both versions.